Just wanted a quick update, by the time you're reading this I've pushed out the slight redesign, I'm writing this at the time of only changing the font so idk yet what else I've changed, but hey, we'll see soon!

Wow long time no see me, I'm writing this for myself because honestly... I'm lost. My site, the thing which I cherish and work on so diligently... it doesn't feel right I guess? I dunno, maybe its the font, or the layout, or something else but I feel that because I wanted to be unique I made something which isn't good. This is honestly just a quick rant because i.. idfk im lost atp, i need to get some good ideas

ggty, slight site overhaul coming soon maybe idk.

Ugh I sometimes feel like my main site is too bland... I posted about this already on status.cafe but like, even though I feel as if I had put in a LOT of thought and effort behind it, the homepage just feels... bland? I guess?

Maybe its because of the abundance of useless buttons (or the fact Ahri is plastered all over the place lol) but it just doesnt feel right, I need more interactivity but not in a way which makes the site feel like completely bloated horses**t

On a quite unrelated note, tommorow (or today depending on how you view it) im gonna go get my ears pierced! Kinda feeling anxious but on the other hand I'm also feeling pretty excited lol

That's it tbh, I think I'm getting near to """finishing""" the site, whatever that may mean, and so from here on out I will most likely be focusing only on the homepage, yes I do still have the AhriShrine page and the rhythm games page to work on but eh, they can't take THAT long, can they?

Wow, I got into status.cafe, kinda late on this info but yippee! I'm also working a bit more on the main site, I think I might do something about the "Other interests" section, since I do like my site being INTERACTIVE but I don't want it to be OVERLOADED if that makes sense. In essence, I just dont want a ton of scrolling to happen on my site.

if I do make future pages (and I definitely will), I'll put them into seperate links, for now though I'm feeling pretty happy, I did embeds for my site, worked on the index page to warn for the horribly optimized JS on this site, and next I think ill try to give a crack at.......... the Ahri shrine.... no idea how I'll even appraoch it but I'll manage (I think...)

Next on the roadmap as well is making a button for my site, I might commision a friend for it but I think trying to draw one myself is a fun challenge

God, after a while I finished implementing in the ahri site, problem is though; it's cringe asl, I'm probably going to push it out to main along with this blog but the way to access it will be to just type in the url. I originally intended for it to just be accessed through the ahri painting on homepage but idk...

Also, it's less of a """shrine""" than it is just showing off all the s**t that I have for her, so skins and my mastery basically lol, I originally had a more intricate idea, it wouldve been a completely dark page, with an ahri ascii art at the front, then scrolling down you would've gotten to the sections about her... but I just dont really know how to make it uhhh... not boring I guess?

I'm probably gonna revamp it at some point to make it into what I actually want but as for now I think I'll just link the Ahri painting to my masteryChart, lol

One thing which sucks is that I spent like 2 days working on it (well in actuality it's probably more like 6-7 hours) because I had to learn some stuff in JS, but oh well, you live and you learn

GGTY, hopefully next time I'll do something cooler

You know, I should really add some essence to my pages, some *PIZZAZ* if one will, because while I do love this aesthetic, there really should be something more... I guess diverse here...

I added a new html with a shrine dedicated to Ahri (W.I.P as I'm writing this) so I might switch it up there... idk though, but on the other hand I really love making and designing and learning webdev, I adore it, so I just might give it a shot

Wow I can't believe this actually works, but anyways enough talk, lets speak (that sounded better in my mind). First of all, I will not be giving these a date because

  1. f**k you

  2. I'm too lazy

but if it gives you peace of mind, this first entry was made at around 2:17 am, 28/12/2023, CEST. Happy now? Good because I'm talking to myself. Anyways, I'm just gonna use this as a blog to write down stuff I guess, and let me start now.

"So why exactly all this?" I mean if you look at my github website history for f**k's sake you'll notice how my website changed from modern to something that looks like it was on neocities. Well in short: the internet today sucks ASS and I f***ing HATE IT!!!

"Modern" this "Modern" that how about you modern my f***ing ass, all this shit made us forget about the cool little websites that had cool little people on them and cool things to do, now its all just bland, I really wish I could go back to the 2000's, yeah, I WOULD lose a ton of convinience but is it worth it? yeah, life was much more simple. I really wanna go back to worrying about what I was gonna do in club penguin instead of now when all I have to worry about is... everything I guess.

In any case, this is the playlist I was listening to while making this site, I'll go f**k off now and do something else, probably more league, or 4chan, or both, or maybe my 2DS? Maybe I'll go and p- *dies*

GGTY, cya next time